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8.34 The AmIRC Pull-Down Menus

AmIRC Menu

Select Server Opens a window from which you can select various options for connecting to an IRC server. See Connecting

Logging Enabled? Toggles logging on/off. This will create a text file of your IRC transcript for future reference.

Iconify Reduces the AmIRC window to an icon on the Workbench screen.

Help Opens Amirc.guide for reference while using AmIRC.

About Opens a window with information about AmIRC and its Developer. Here you may connect to the AmIRC home page if amosaic is running concurrently, and you may also download the latest version of AmIRC without having to trouble with running a www or ftp client.

Quit Will close the current server connection of AmIRC and AmIRC itself if you are not connected simultaneously to another server through connect thread.

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